It’s hard to safely invest in cards for the long term these days, but Brian has some ideas that might help us all do a little better in this area.
Adrian looks over his Modern picks from the past month to see how they have fared, discussing his logic at the time and drawing lessons from the outcomes.
Rob thinks it’s time for you to go all in on this all-time classic reliable. Read more about it here!
Rob starts the week with his new spec target from Masters 25!
With everyone talking about Masters 25, other important headlines are falling into the background. Sig looks at the other major stories that can help you make money in the coming months.
Rob ends the week with an uncommon from Masters 25.
The Modern unbans are in full-effect, and Adam has the details on what cards are winning as a result.
Rob continues his analysis of some heavy hitters from Masters 25.
The unbannings of Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf are having a big impact on the market, and Adam shares some cards that have the potential to rise in the hype.
Rob returns with an analysis on one of the hot lands in the market today!
Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf have been unbanned in Modern. Adam breaks down which cards have gotten better and are in position to rise in price as a result.
Rob makes his first Daily Stock Watch Quarter Review!
There are some simple indicators that can predict price increases and even spikes, so Adam applies them to identify some cards that look like they are due to rise.