Rob breaks his mind and checks what’s in store for us with this card. Read more about it here!
Rob talks about another multi-format superstar on today’s Stock Watch.
Rob still has some faith left in Voice of Resurgence. Read more about it here!
This year in MTG finance turned out great if you had the right exposure, but some formats floundered. Could things change in 2018? Sig makes his predictions for 2018.
Rob ends the year with a recap of some cards that he featured on the Daily Stock Watch.
Pauper now has serious finance potential, and this week the market reacted. Today Adam explores the cards that have had the biggest movements.
Rob is very positive about this card’s future, and you should be, too.
Rob loves the idea of picking up copies of this card now. Check out why!
Rob likes the progress of Chromatic Lantern’s value. Take a peek, and find out why!
Rob gives his take on this Modern staple that has continued to rise in value.
Adam explains how Channel Fireball’s decision to support Pauper at upcoming Grand Prix could impact the market, and he identifies what cards he specifically has his eyes on.
Rob doesn’t like the idea of riding this dragon’s financial rise. Find out why!