Are we getting a new Jace in Magic 2015? Kelly thinks there’s a chance, and he looks at the history of Jaces and other planeswalkers to figure out what little we know about this potential new Jace.
Mike Lanigan recaps his tournament at GP Chicago and goes over some promising spoilers from the upcoming M15.
It’s time for the set review! Mike Lanigan discusses the best Standard cards in Born of the Gods and how they will impact the format.
Mike Lanigan continues his examination of Theros spoilers, evaluating them for Constructed-playability and flavor.
Spoiler season has arrived again! Mike Lanigan surveys the Theros cards revealed so far and evaluates their Constructed potential.
Mike Lanigan surveys Dragon’s Maze for some notable cards and offers his thoughts on their possibilities in Standard.
David Schumann reviews some more spoilers from Dragon’s Maze to see what may make a splash in Legacy.
Obzedat, Ghost Council is a newcomer to the scene, ready to take on all challengers. Is there anyone out there who can defeat him?
Jason Alt calls attention to the new subreddit dedicated to MTG finance, describes his approach to Gatecrash spoiler season, and checks himself out for the new year.
A few spoilers from Gatecrash and a Limited GP have arrived just in time for the holidays, and Jason wastes no time poring over them.
Like everyone these days, Mike has spoilers and the new format on the mind. Read on for some updates to tier-one Standard decks implementing cards from RtR.