The paper Prerelease and the digital release of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt is this weekend. Subsequently, the entire set has been spoiled. In turn, this means that I can evaluate the remaining cards with better context. And there’s… mixed news. IMH has some gems for Modern, but it’s mostly misses. Which isn’t a bad thing after MH2. And […]
And here we are again. Another spoiler season. One that will barely be over before the next one begins, because for some reason, Wizards is doing a dual set this fall. Innistrad is such a popular setting that I imagine they’ll do well, but it feels like Wizards is pushing our wallets to the breaking […]
Nobody enjoys performance reviews. Even if they’re positive. There’s just something existentially distressing that comes with being assessed, aside from any professional implications stemming from said review. And they’re also frequently boring for everyone involved. (From personal experience.) However, they can be useful for fostering improvement. Especially when they’re self-administered in a public setting, so […]
I’m in an unusual position this spoiler season. Two weeks ago, barely anything had been spoiled; today, the whole set is not only spoiled, but available online. Such are the breaks when spoiler season happens over the first week of a new month. As such, this will be a different kind of spoiler article. I […]
This summer is absurd. Modern Horizons 2 has just hit the street, and Wizards is already previewing Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Or technically, this is Wizards continuing to preview Adventures in the Forgotten Realms because there were initial teasers alongside the first MH2 spoilers. It’s way too much, way too fast, and is deeply unfair to my wallet. […]
Welcome back to Modern Top 5: Modern Horizons 2 edition! Yesterday, we touched on the Incarnations (ranked from best to worst here) and dove deep on Sudden Edict, Urza’s Saga, and Prismatic Ending. Now, it’s time for the final chapter in our comprehensive Modern Horizons 2 spoiler overview: heaps of text on my picks for […]
Modern Top 5 is a long-running article series in which I use a set of pre-defined metrics to rank the best of breed in different categories. Past contests have included utility cards, hosers, enablers, beaters, and planeswalkers… come to think of it, though, most of those contests are due for an update! Today’s brand-new entry […]
To quote a great doctor, “the M.H. saga continues.” Yesterday, we considered the decks to be impacted and created by Modern Horizons 2, and today, we’ll look at at the many role-players present in the set. Let’s begin with the Incarnation cycle (ranked!), after which we’ll check out new removal, utility, and build-around options. Finally, it […]
The bars are opening, and with them, certain among the FNM registry’s many stinky basements. In other words, it’s officially Christmas. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, well, it’s time to start: Modern Horizons 2 is fully spoiled as of yesterday! On that note, I’m thrilled to welcome you, fellow Modern fanatic, to the first […]
Welcome to the start of Modern Horisons 2 spoiler season. The official start, anyway. The teasers we’ve already received don’t count. Because those were preseason teasers, not spoilers. There must be a difference other than semantics. I have no idea what beyond the timing is actually different, but there must be one to justify calling […]
I don’t get Wizards’s decision making. So many calls over the past few years just leave me scratching my head. I’m sure I’m not alone in this, and there have been editorials aplenty on every possible issue already. Instead, today I want to examine one very specific decision and its consequences. Specifically, Wizards made the […]
It would seem that Wizards is growing impatient. The stated beginning of Modern Horizons 2 previews was next week. However, as part of their announcement of the “Summer of Legend” (which trips my marketing gag reflex), Wizards gave us some early spoilers. Clearly intended to whet player appetites for what is to come, the spoilers were […]
And now, back to the spoilers. The full spoiler is now out and Strixhaven launches online this Thursday. In turn, this means that brewing and experimentation is already underway. Which means that the fruits of discovery will begin to make themselves known for next month’s metagame update. Having just typed that sentence, I’m worried that my […]