With EMN fully spoiled, Brian turns to cards flying under the radar. Here are five picks for gainers after the set releases and players start to figure out their power level.
Mike dives into Eldritch Moon spoilers for Standard technology and financial implications. Hear what he thinks of the latest cards to be revealed.
Diego returns to the twenty most-played cards in Standard. This infographic highlights the staples that have defined the format so far since rotation.
Mike looks at current Standard cards that are well positioned as we move into the Eldritch Moon release. These are his top 10 picks for gainers.
With limited knowledge of what Eldritch Moon will offer, we can still make some reasonable guesses. Brian looks at cards that are looking well positioned at the moment.
Standard is highly diverse right now, and affordable as well. Chaz examines the relationship between the two to see if there’s a connection.
Diego breaks down the twenty most-played cards in the Shadows over Innistrad Standard metagame since rotation.
Adam makes sense of last weekend’s Standard Grand Prix double-header and identifies the specs he’s picking up in their wake.
Ryan didn’t have a great Grand Prix, though he has an awesome deck for your consideration, as well as some notes from the event.
By now everyone knows Nahiri, the Harbinger is the real deal in Modern. Mike identifies three traits that exemplify a Modern breakout card, and suggests several pick-ups.
The Standard format is in flux, and card prices are bound to shift as the metagame settles. Adam shares his recommendations for best buys this week!
At the retail level, bulk or near-bulk cards that sell well may indicate future potential. Mike looks at the cards his store is moving for $1.50 right now that may be poised for gains.
Brian discusses how the traditional Summer lull may differ this year with the new rotation schedule, before diving into his speculation picks for the moment.