Beardy’s testing has revealed which Commander Clash: March of the Machine decks triumph over the rest, and the ingredients needed to maximize them.
A draft format offers reliability in its commons, but variation at higher rarity. This week, Rob examines how to maximize deck-building in March of the Machine.
QS is proud to welcome LessAlex, AKA Alex Blackard as part of the team! Today Alex shares his love for Control decks, and a new card for Control in Explorer.
Rob discusses the most important commons in March of the Machine, when you should pick them, and how you should build your deck to optimize them.
Rob explores the struggling Battles archetype, discussing how we can get the most out of Magic’s newest card type in a Draft format designed to stop them.
Rob takes a look at the early data from MOM, compares it with his experiences, and explains the format’s ten archetypes in this first look at March Draft.
The March of the Machines prerelease is here! Rob’s got the early scoop on Limited format tensions and dynamics, as well as the top 10 commons, ranked.
This week Rob takes a look at long at the data from SIR. What are the best builds for each archetype and what commons should we prioritize? Find out this week!
Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered presents new and changing challenges. This week, Rob discusses early observations and the best approaches to the format.
Commander gives us 100 cards to work with, but is that enough? Joe aka “Beardy” unveils ways to circumvent this restriction and jam-pack decks full of spells.
Proactive decks are tougher to play and design than they look. David E. measures their proactivity and explores how pilots can fatally swerve out of lane.
Dare we say it? NeoTraxa is Pioneer’s Hogaak! Adam’s off to the Regional Championship in Dallas after taking down an RCQ with this spicy new brew!
As the sun sets on yet another Limited format, Rob sends off the misunderstood ONE the way he always does: with a retrospective on its good, bad, and ugly.