

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. The recent Modern meta has continuously shifted from fair decks, to combo decks, to big-mana decks. It says a lot about the diversity of the format, regardless of how other people think about the Top 8 decks at Grand Prix Oklahoma. With […]

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. I must admit that MTGO player 1310HaZzZaRd has been one of my favorite deck brewers, and he was at his best again last week. The deck we’re looking at today is a radical new look for Living End, hybridized with an As Foretold […]

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. There has been some buzz lately that control is actually good in Modern again. We all know that means Cryptic Command and Snapcaster Mage, but really, what’s more controlling than a full-on prison deck? That’s right—Lantern Control has been on the rise, […]

Greetings, Nexites. For this week’s Deck of the Week segment I’m taking over from Rob, but you can expect him back in full force next week. Last weekend was an interesting one for Modern, as we saw an old fringe deck put up not one, but three finishes in high-level MTGO tournaments. I’m talking, of […]

I’ve been singing Modern’s praises for, well, ever. At one time, I thought I was either the format’s single biggest proponent or just some kind of insane zealot. But as time goes on and Modern steadily grows in popularity, articles like PVDDR’s “The Problem with Modern” start looking hopelessly dated, and are met with a […]

Good day, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. In my relentless pursuit for the “next big thing” in Modern, I found another gem that we could try, and maybe polish, for the coming days. Without further ado, let’s take a look at this undefeated deck from one of MTGO’s […]

Hello again, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of “Deck of the Week.” Today, I’ll be sharing a deck that I think is a good choice for the current metagame. It went undefeated in one of MTGO’s Competitive Modern Leagues, and should be something that’s worth trying. Orzhov PW Control, by aytor_92  (5-0, Competitive […]

Another SCG Regionals is in the books. I had to change that link, by the way—in some crazed stupor, I accidentally waded through the results of the Season One Regionals tournaments from February (yes, the ones I even placed in) and wrote a 3,000-word article about all the rogue decks at those tournaments, which I […]

Editor’s note: Please welcome Rob San Juan to Modern Nexus, who will be writing a weekly feature and some other behind-the-scenes content. Hello, Nexites! My name is Rob San Juan, and I’ll be restarting the old “Deck of the Week” segment. This was previously handled by our editor, Jason Schousboe—I’ll be taking it over for […]

Ever since I wrote a piece on Chart a Course in Counter-Cat, I’ve conducted routine searches on decklist websites for the card. My motivation was to unearth some sweet new applications for Chart in Modern to further inspire my own brewing. After weeks of the card only appearing in Vintage Delver decks, it started showing […]

Humans is a thing, yo. I wish that period was a full stop. Pack it up, work here is done, go home and kiss the kids. Not because I don’t want to write the article or anything. Simply because those five words encapsulate the range of emotions I’m feeling as I look over the SCG […]

The past month has been odd for me. I have been advocating UW Merfolk forever, but almost every other Fish player is mono-blue. It made sense. Perfect, painless mana all the time is really appealing. Then Ixalan happened and everyone is experimenting with other colors. I’m not complaining but it feels weird. The fact that they’re still not […]

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