Fresh off his prerelease, Danny offers the insights he’s garnered concerning Theros thus far.
WoTC has announced a modified entrance fee and prize structure for Theros release events. Matthew Lewis reexamines his speculation strategy in light of the changes.
Corbin Hosler reviews Theros in time for the prerelease. Find out which cards he believes are flying under the radar or overpriced.
Mike Lanigan continues his examination of Theros spoilers, evaluating them for Constructed-playability and flavor.
Stu weighs in on a variety of topics including a crop of new Theros spoilers!
Spoiler season has arrived again! Mike Lanigan surveys the Theros cards revealed so far and evaluates their Constructed potential.
Mike Lanigan examines the Standard and Block Constructed decks that lose the least to rotation, and are likely to form the backbone of the new Standard.
Considering the information about Theros block already spoiled, Corbin Hosler asks what cards may benefit from an “enchantment-matters” Standard environment.
Matthew Lewis takes advantage of the relative Summer lull to outline his three-month plan for the coming Fall rotation and release of Theros.
This weekend we were bombarded with news from SDCC and PAX Australia, where Theros themes, FTV: 20 spoilers, and new Commander cards were all revealed. Sigmund considers how everything will impact the MTG market.