The new Mirrodin Besieged Event Decks are here, and Jay Kirkman’s quest to assess their power level takes him through set evaluation and into his local Game Day!
When Judges get together, discussions about crazy situations come up. This was one that we talked about at Grand Prix Denver. Can you make the right call?
This week, David follows up his Invasion-themed article mini-series by scouring Planeshift for hidden Commander gems, hilarious card artwork, and the short straws in the stack.
The title says it all. The list may surprise you. Can you name them before jumping in?
In the final Cube SWOT article Usman shatters notions around Artifacts, levying ruin to the everyday average.
Did you miss out on the Mirrodin Besieged prerelease? Did you get to go but wanted more? This is your ‘Second Chance at a Prerelease’ contest!
And that’s the rest of the story (on State Based Actions).
Who doesn’t love attacking with creatures in Commander? This week, David explores a Legend who will certainly help you do just that!
Savage misplays? In MY games? It’s more likely than you think.
Part summary, part style, all hot Cube theory. Usman shares a SWOT on pure gold.
In this week’s article, Jay presents a case for including a preconstructed format on the competitive Magic circuit.
What makes your creatures die? What, exactly, causes you to lose the game? State Based Actions takes care of it all.
This week, David shared and explored “Doug’s Quandary,” a “card advantage issue” that Commander players encounter when deck building.