

Eight members of the CommanderCast audience have offered their voice to the digital alter of podcasting to entertain you for just over ninety minutes. With eight topics filled with ten minutes of discussion each, this show has something for everyone, with topics ranging from a redesign of EDH from the ground up, independent of Mt:G, to the implications of DCI Judges in a playgroup. It’s fast-paced, it’s wildly varied, and it’s TOTALLY SWEET: it’s CommanderCast’s third call-in show!

The final episode of CommanderCast’s crossover month is here, with a surprise guest host. In a way, having Chris Lansdell on a podcast should never serve as a surprise to anybody, but since Jack LaCroix couldn’t make it, Mr. Lansdell was happy to answer the call. This week we’re also joined by MistveilPlains aka Mr. 40 minute deck primer aka Big YouTube Money for a 90 minute podcast on underpowered decks in powerful metagames, counterspells, and a Mistform Ultimus entourage.

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