Vintage Masters specs have been quite disappointing after the first eight months. For various reasons Vintage has not caught up with players on MTGO, but things may be about to change. Sylvain gives you an update on his investments in Vintage and Legacy staples.
Vintage Masters
Mike Lanigan eschewed a 5k last weekend in favor of watching coverage from the World Championship. He recaps the strategic lessons he took away.
The risk of reprint can make long-term investments on MTGO daunting, but Sylvain believes they are still viable. He reviews several years of price history and attempts to define a long-term strategy for carefully selected targets.
Alexander Carl provides a roadmap for timing your investments during the upcoming months, the best MTGO speculation time of the year.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
In his last article before the v3 shutoff, Alexander reviews a surprise development in Vintage Masters, highlights some spec opportunities, and shows the way to free money.
The v3 client closes for good this July, and the immediate future of Vintage Masters availability is still unknown. Alexander Carl explains how to proceed in the face of widespread uncertainty.
Adam explains how the Vintage Masters release on Magic Online has changed the value proposition on constructed events, as he breaks down the new tournament payouts, identifies the best places to find value and the optimal way to extract it!
Ryan took Grixis Keeper to the finals of a Minnesota Vintage tournament. With Vintage Masters being so hot, now’s the time to consider what to play in constructed Vintage!
Alexander Carl takes on the volatile Vintage Masters market. Where is the value? When should you buy Power? And what other opportunities are presenting themselves?
Adam explores sideboarding as it applies to Sealed Deck and shares powerful sideboarding techniques that will give you an edge over the competition. A must-read for anyone playing Vintage Masters Sealed Deck!
Paul and a friend attempt to open some Power Nine in what is probably the most exciting set release in the history of Magic Online, spewing 25 tickets on one draft so you don’t have to.