A lot of the power and consistency of Vintage comes from the availability of tutors. Scott discusses Oath of Druids and Tinker this week and discusses how the introduction of Dack Fayden has caused some reconsideration as to what the best targets are.
Alexander Carl provides a roadmap for timing your investments during the upcoming months, the best MTGO speculation time of the year.
Danny describes why LSV’s video content is a must-watch for anyone who likes to be entertained or get better at Magic.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
Scott Fielder recently took Storm out for a spin in a local Vintage tournament. He breaks down each match and highlights several interesting decision points.
Ryan explores the concept of greed and how it relates to some of Magic’s toughest decisions–when mulliganing makes sense and how building your manabase comes with gains and losses. When should you be greedy?
Zwischenzug’s last video on MTGO V3 is his first Vintage video. Watch Edric, Spymaster of Trest dominate a game featuring the most powerful cards in all of Magic.
Lately, Sigmund has been dwelling on the poor performance of Modern staples. This week he looks to other formats to observe their financial health and summarizes his current focus areas in MTG Finance.
Is Vintage a stale format? Scott Fielder believes there are many underplayed cards and lots of room for brewing. Today he showcases several unconventional decklists.
Adam goes over results from the first Magic Online Vintage Premier Event, noting a few interesting Vintage card choices.
Ryan took Grixis Keeper to the finals of a Minnesota Vintage tournament. With Vintage Masters being so hot, now’s the time to consider what to play in constructed Vintage!
Paul and a friend attempt to open some Power Nine in what is probably the most exciting set release in the history of Magic Online, spewing 25 tickets on one draft so you don’t have to.
Vintage Masters Daily Events, Premier Events, and Championship Events are coming to Magic Online, including Vintage Masters packs for daily Legacy events.