
Modern Banlist Watch List: 2022 Edition

David’s back with his annual Modern ban watch list. What was banned in 2021? The format now appears healthy, but what is on his radar for the future?

Collecting for the Long Term: Modern Format Staples

This week Paul dives deep into Modern, looking at some of the staple cards players should have in their arsenal, and his approach to investing in the format.

Modern Top 5: Overplayed Cards

There’s a reason that stories tend to follow a certain structure. And similarly why studios seem to favor reboots and retreads over actually new movies. Humans are creatures of expectation and habit. We are used to certain things happening a certain way, especially once they’ve been socially reinforced, and when those expectations aren’t met it […]

Best of 2019: Twin’s Role in Modern

Editor’s Note: The Twin ban remained highly controversial into 2019, especially among what I assume to be an extremely vocal minority of Modern die-hards. That sentiment pushed David to revisit Twin’s previous role in the format with a thorough, data-driven approach. Also included in this re-run are David’s thoughts headed into 2020, which deal with […]

How Cheap Planeswalkers Are Warping Modern

To me, the breakout Modern development of 2019 wasn’t the long-awaited Stoneforge Mystic unban, the rise and fall of Arclight Phoenix, or the frightening flash of Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis. Rather, it was the introduction of cheap planeswalkers on a massive scale. Beginning with War of the Spark, Wizards unleashed on the format gameplay the likes […]

Modern Top 5 (Halloween Edition): Black Cards

Happy halloween, everyone! By the time my next article rolls around, we’ll all have Kit-Katted (or in my case, Coffee Crisped) ourselves into a spooky stupor. So what better time than now to head off a Modern Top 5 series focusing on Magic’s five colors? Naturally, we’ll start with the scariest, so yank your head […]

Make It Happen: Modern’s New Enablers

2019 may well go down in the books as the Year of Enablers. Between the Faithless Looting-fueled Phoenix decks and the Stitcher’s Supplier-abusing Hogaak menace, Modern was defined this year by pushed cards locating, buffing, and ultimately breaking engines and payoffs. Of course, both Phoenix and Hogaak have left us by now. Without Looting in […]

Batt to the Bone: Five Guys and the New Modern

Hogaak and Looting are banned, and Stoneforge Mystic is free at last from the Modern banned list. What do these changes promise for our beloved format? And what does equipment searching have to do with fast food chains? Let’s find out! Elephant in the Room Before even thinking about the void left by Hogaak, or […]

MTGO: The Rares of Modern Horizons

Kyle runs through the rares of Modern Horizons on MTGO, and shows where you’ll be wanting to park your TIX for the upcoming Modern.

Spoilers on the Modern Horizon

It’s been less than a month since War of the Spark dropped, but since the extra product this year is Modern Horizons, we have more sets than normal to review. And then, about a month until Magic 2020 spoilers begin. 2019 is fast becoming Year of the Brewer. Today, I will be looking at some of the […]

Modern Horizons: Spoilers and More!

Modern Horizons spoilers officially start May 19th. Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in!

Modern Horizons Spoiler Review, Pt. 1

Spoilers for the much-awaited Modern Horizons are finally underway. The expansion so far has exceeded my expectations, offering Modern playables without introducing busted eternal staples, and including a wealth of diverse mechanics and cute designs. Today, we’ll look at the most interesting cards from Horizons and muse about where the rest of the set will […]

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Quiet Speculation