'Tis the season! Joe aka "Beardy" discusses three of the best gifts for Magic players in this product-saturated time, as well as one to steer clear of.
The metagame has achieved general stability, but the paper and MTGO metagames are diverging... and Tier 1 is half the field! David E. has the data.
All 2022 Magic sets have officially been released. To celebrate, Adam is looking back at the top 10 cards released in this year that have made waves in Modern.
In his final look back at Magic 30, Sig covers seven tips to help players get the most out of future events--it all boils down to planning and prioritization.
Joe AKA Beardy reveals just how far a cheap eBay Commander deck can take you, delving into the age-old question of cards vs. Commander vs. card-slinger.
This week, David S. looks at some odd price movement over the past month and offers possible explanations for these oddities. Mistake? Or Manipulation?
This week on Adam Plays Magic, Gladiator is back on Arena! Let's take a break and explore this awesome fan-made 100-card singleton brewer's paradise.
The data from the first round of Regional Qualifiers is out. David E. looks into the results, analyzing whether the data reflects Pioneer's metagame and health.
Sig looks back at Magic 30 and shares his experience with the community aspect of the event. While he met some amazing people, he regrets not networking more.
This week Rob reflects on blue's struggles in BRO and analyzes trophy-winning decks to find out how winning players are getting the most out of blue in draft.