Potentially broken new cards are usually safe bets to see play. Venerated Rotpriest seems like an exception, but David E. isn't blaming the card itself.
This week LessAlex gives you his Top 5 March of the Machine: the Aftermath cards for Pioneer/Explorer. Make sure to watch the video for extra insights!
This week Sig examines the impact of the new Standard rotation schedule on booster box prices. He is optimistic recent upward price trends may continue.
Wizards' big announcement of extending Standard may have some financial ramifications. David S breaks them down and looks at opportunities for speculation.
A draft format offers reliability in its commons, but variation at higher rarity. This week, Rob examines how to maximize deck-building in March of the Machine.
From Cute to Brute has arrived on time, but does it fill the shoes of its predecessor? Joe aka "Beardy" assesses the deck's playability and value.
The first-ever extra set in Standard history is rather underwhelming for Constructed, although some of its cards have niche applications in Modern and Pioneer.
QS is proud to welcome LessAlex, AKA Alex Blackard as part of the team! Today Alex shares his love for Control decks, and a new card for Control in Explorer.
It appears serialized cards are here to stay, and every time Sig opens social media, he sees more of them. This week he explores the future of these novelties.
April's Modern metagame data is deceptive. The tale that the numbers suggest isn't the story that actually happened. David E has the explanation inside.